I look into a girl’s eyes and then acknowledge what love really means. Tranquil days and somber nights now are replaced by restless days and unhindered thoughts with the sweet memory of her existence. Upon her arrival, the days that passed so very quickly now seems never ending time until the somber night…our means of togetherness comes to light aflame our hearts closer in the warm darkness. The darkness, I wish I could hold onto always for this is our time…for early morning, we’d have to depart…awaiting the day’s nights to hover over the blue sky, and then again…we’d be together.
The fragrance of love now thus blossoms with mighty hopes…aspirations…cherishable moment of togetherness and missing departures. The sweet sounds of love overwhelms my heart. Her sweet sounds of love lingers in my ears. With it, her face continually dances on my eyes while my heart fees, misses and longs for her presence…
Now that we’ve met, I hope it is to eternity for without you, I fail to imagine my life. the fragrance of her existence and her love makes me wonder if it was for her that I waited so long without giving hope? In sheer joy I exclaim that the patience has its own sweet reward…a reward I will always try to hold onto despite some troubling times we all go through.
Pratik Rimal
"The charm of mortal life, since her arrival has been joy, thoughts and longing of togetherness...a wish to be always behind her and protect her...maybe life after all gives us a second chance. And with your arrival, I now indeed believe that it sincerely does for our heavenly father cannot be heartless, as he instilled us with hearts of love, trust, faith, compassion and joy! .....
......Time tickles in joy and passes with a melancholic song. The hollow cry of penetrable sounds from the wild beasts underneath the moonlight alerts me of your hopeful
presence...and I am waiting..."
(extracted from: Stars Fall Down)
About Me

- Pratik Rimal
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- Ever since I first started to write my first poem and article, I've loved to write. I continue to learn to write. In doing so, I let my feelings, thoughts, and emotions run wild and let people know what I intend to say, what I want to say. For me, writing is a creative expression to express what we never can say by speaking... Your readings and feedback are always important to me. Therefore, I wish that you'd write to me. My email address: pratik.rimal@hotmail.com Cell: +977-98511-42610
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