Drenched in rain, I ponder its tenderness and yet stay startled at its fierce force that can overcome rocks and anything as heavy as that. Then I try to perceive life, unraveling it meticulously till it starts looking hard and strong from outside, and yet is soft and frail from within as anything could result pain, tears, joy, happiness or euphoria. Then as I continue to untie the threads of life, the softness of rain and water comes to my mind. I get bewildered seeing the two contrasting elements of nature that has nurtured each to existence. The water so tender and soft from outside can overcome rocks while the strong from outside is childishly frail from within and anything could trigger the aforesaid human emotions.
Then a sudden question involving human sentiments strikes my mind. Is it why we are humans and therefore mortals while the soft water to eternity? As I try answering the question, I start being shaky and nervous for to reach any conclusion, I lack knowledge. Likewise, my curious words of innocence fail to fathom and understand nature. However, despite my search for the answer sought, I now understand it. Nature! I say is the strong and the weak…soft and smooth like water and again harsh and rough as wind…cold as the winter, sweltering heat as the summer, bare as the autumn, green as spring…innocent as the lamb and fierce as the tiger. It is life in all forms.
With it, the rain fades and makes way to the fair clouds and the warm Sun that now shines bright upon my face. Although my question remains unanswered, I smile as I conclude: The nature is life in all forms.
Pratik Rimal
"The charm of mortal life, since her arrival has been joy, thoughts and longing of togetherness...a wish to be always behind her and protect her...maybe life after all gives us a second chance. And with your arrival, I now indeed believe that it sincerely does for our heavenly father cannot be heartless, as he instilled us with hearts of love, trust, faith, compassion and joy! .....
......Time tickles in joy and passes with a melancholic song. The hollow cry of penetrable sounds from the wild beasts underneath the moonlight alerts me of your hopeful
presence...and I am waiting..."
(extracted from: Stars Fall Down)
About Me

- Pratik Rimal
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- Ever since I first started to write my first poem and article, I've loved to write. I continue to learn to write. In doing so, I let my feelings, thoughts, and emotions run wild and let people know what I intend to say, what I want to say. For me, writing is a creative expression to express what we never can say by speaking... Your readings and feedback are always important to me. Therefore, I wish that you'd write to me. My email address: pratik.rimal@hotmail.com Cell: +977-98511-42610
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