Charles (army, war hero, beloved of Natasha)
Natasha (beloved of Charles)
Jack (a soldier under Charles’s battalion)
Jason (brother of Jack)
Soldier 1
Man 1 and
Man 2.
“Reckon the sounds,
Love dost wait and forgive,
‘spite the betrayal,
It dost last to linger on,
And when thou forgive,
Look how merry the aroma of love rhymes in thy heart…”
(The play starts from a farewell. Charles’s is leaving Natasha as his country is in war. He is consoling her, while she resists the tears)
Charles: Beloved, kiss me upon my lips,
And let me go…farewell me with your smile,

Fail will I not to return on your arms,
To breathe your love but once again.
Natasha (tears upon her eyes): Would you have to depart?
Leaving me…oh! How cruel and painful it is to farewell you,
Your memory so fine, will linger upon around me,
I kiss you (kisses Charles’s forehead, then his lips gently); for trust to the Lord, I trust to thee.
Charles: Smile my princess, oh! Do not you cry,
Shall not the Lord betray upon your love,
I will prevail, and then return to my safe heaven,
Onto your arms, never would I fail to confess, I love you.
Natasha: Charles to you, I thence kiss a farewell,
I will ere…look your way,
M love does linger upon your breath,
And it will amour, shield your pain,
I drink your lips, we shall meet…(kisses Charles’s lips)
(Both now farewell each other. Natasha bids Charles’s a good bye from the door while Charles walks to the road that is to lead to the army head-quarter and then to the bastion.)
(Charles’s is in the war, and there is Jack as well)
Charles (to Jack): Comrade! You protect this fort,
It is your duty, resist till death,
Time has come to repay your mother’s debt,
Fight for her, save her soul…her soil…
Jack (to Charles): Sir I give to you my words,
Shall it not betray, trust onto me,
Till my death, I will resist,
And were I to breathe, the last of my breaths,
‘spite the end of pain, I shall smile…
Charles (to Jack): I trust you I know,
Nothing does happen to you,
You lead this company and protect the fort…
Jack: Yes sir!
(Charles now speaks to all the soldiers)
Charles: Soldiers, like Jack, your country as well needs you,
For without her, we would not exist,
Neither would she, were we to betray…
And I warn to all, betray your nation,
And upon to you, I seek revenge
And revenge of but death!
(A month has passed in the war. Many have been killed. The war doesn’t seem to end. Jack receives a letter from Natasha.)
Natasha: How are you? Beloved I pray,
Every single day, for your life,
I light aflame, every candle for you,
My prayers will not betray,
My voice, the Lord will not fail to hear,
I trust upon Him, I trust upon my love,
And look how I armor…armor to you,
Armor against hatred!
Armor against blood!
And thus I fill your heart with ever pounding love!
(Charles replying)
Charles: Love, what do I say?
The war never ends,
It is like sex,
The more you do, the more it lures,
Soon I hope this war will end,
So that I can, come to you,
Hold you tight, love and love…
I ere to write long, yet I have to go,
There is attack!
(Charles rushes to the bastion where Jack is fighting)
Charles: Fight, oh! Soldiers,
Do not retreat,
Kill or get killed,
And even when death bends your knees,
Do not bend early! Do not lie low!
Smile and go for LOOK! Your mother welcomes you!
(Another soldier is killed)
Charles: Jack, hurry. Hasten and call the Father,
May peace prevail,
(looking to the soldiers who are distracted by the death),
Soldiers! He died for a noble cause, praise and salute,
Do not retreat,
Less we might in numbers be,
Yet we will not retreat, until the end!
(Jack then accelerates to call the Father, but he never comes back. A soldier sees him surrender to the enemy. He rushes to Charles and reports the event)
Soldier 1: Sir, oh! A bad episode befell,
I lack words, how do I say?
Forgive my vision, hearken my words!
Jack retreat! Surrendered with enemies!
(Upon the news, Charles closes the dead soldier’s eyes, prays the God for his peace of soul.)
Charles: Oh noble soldier, never feel sad,
For you died, saving your nation,
Never worry…your life will not go wasted,
We will win…Amen!
(Now Charles assembles all the soldiers and roars in anger)
LORD (looking to the clear sky) I WILL SEEK VENGENCE.
(No one retreats. All cry for revenge and death of Jack.)
Charles: If all say it, he deserves death, (in slow melancholic voice,)
Upon to whom I trusted so dearly,
Betrayed my trust,
He gets his reward of breaching the trust, DEATH.
(Another month passes after this ill-fate encounter. Another letter of Natasha arrives.)
Natasha: Never worry, my love,
The war shall end, it must end,
Men I hope, are not always fools and cruel,
Oh! What horror the war has become!
And you will come, I look for you,
I feel your presence, are you fine?
(The war is coming to an end. The battalion saves the country. Jack is caught, and captivated. He is on his knees, surrounded by his former friends, Charles is next to Jack.)
Charles: Traitor, Villain, why I ask to you Jack?
Upon whom I trusted so exceedingly,
How dare you breach my trust?
(Jack stays mum. The soldiers shout for the death of Jack. Despite all of it, Charles’s resists the forces that seeks death of Jack. Jack then speaks,)
Jack: I shall not ask for forgiveness Sir,
What I did, should I never have done,
I ask for death, I plead guilty,
Favor me not,
A man betraying his mother could betray you,
I ask for forgiveness, I ask for death…
Charles (severely): And yes, you shall get,
A rule is a rule,
Easy to say…hard to act…
Yet I have to, favor upon you, I cannot do,
You are alike, every other soldier,
Some who lives, some who died,
And now you shall join the Black Parade,
Forgive me, but I ought to do,
Stare to the horizon,
Smile and join the heaven,
Does your mother not forgive you? She does.
Look upon the horizon, it calls onto you…
(Jack is beheaded. Blood flows down his neck. His eyes, nostrils burst with blood. With it, his body tremors and shakes, sprinkling blood all over the soldiers cloths. Then finally he falls still. Everyone pays a tribute to a fine soldier despite the treachery.)
(The news of Jack’s death spreads over the country. Jason, jack’s brother is heart broken. He firmly stands against Charles’s decision of killing his brother despite the treachery…he should have given a chance…a right to life which he deserved…Consequently, Jason decides to take revenge upon Charles. For it, he decides to hurt his heart, and kill Natasha and make Charles’s suffer what he suffered. Thus, Jason reaches Natasha and soon makes her fall in love with him, a curse she falls too. As a result to it, turmoil starts between her and Charles. Irritated by Charles, she decides to leave him and trying to stop her…)
Charles: Would you have to go?
Desert farewell the one you love so dearly?
Should it be fair?
To au revoir your beloved
Upon whose arrival you longed on the war?
Natasha: Oh! Time doth change,
Flowers doth fade…wither,
Spring turns to autumn,
The heaven’s eye to cold….
Then why dost love not change?
Words doth change?
Charles: Heaven below you, stands the proof,
If this is what is to make you merry,
I retreat, for love does wait, I will not pretend,
(with tears in his eyes), True love ‘spite its uni-ness,
Never dost betray.
Natasha: The paths that once, crossed our lives,
Turns too away, we have to depart,
Charles: Merry life you live, I pray to Lord,
May you’re road bring;
The fragrance so sweet and fill thy heart,
With ever pounding love,
Never ending joy,
Never dost you beget miseries and pain,
I kiss your thorns and offer my joy…
(Upon hearing these words, Natasha turns away and walks with tears in her eyes. Charles continues to stare far to the horizon until his eyes wear out.)
(Natasha is knocking Jason’s doors, and seeing her,)
Jason: Oh! Look how dear the roses look,
Upon your arrival, how warm is it,
‘spite the coldness the winter now brings.
Natasha: (embracing Jason) lo! Jason, praise me not for what I am not,
A simple girl I reckon to be,
More than that, I fail to know,
Beyond the horizon, I cannot go.
Jason: If you say so, I do what you say,
Yet, look the roses, oh! Does it not blossom?
Your gracious presence,
Does it not fill the air,
And how would I fail, to breathe your breath,
…your breath everything now breathe!
(Natasha is wordless, then she says,)
Natasha: Oh! Fill me not the words of a poem,
Speak your voice, that is what I ere,
Love of a poet, strange is it to me,
I love Jason, not a poet’s words!
Jason: Lo! My love, do I sound a poet?
(Aside: if only you’d know my true color)
I trod upon your way to cross and crush!
Natasha: Hearken again! A poet’s words!
“I trod upon you way to cross and crush!”?
For you do, you sound a poet,
But I love you, the way you are!
(Slowly Jason starts to show his true color. His love pretence finally starts to wither. He screams at Natasha on petty matters. He beats her while she cries for forgiveness. One day after a fierce fight, she is badly beaten with bruises all over her body. Likewise, her cloths are torn and her hair in complete mess.)
Natasha (crying and remembering the words of Charles. His voice echoes in her heart…)
“…if this is what would make you merry,
I retreat, for love dost wait, I will not pretend,
True love ‘spite its uni-ness,
Never dost betray…”
Natasha (in tears and with heavy heart,)
Natasha: My love, oh! Beloved,
Where are you? How are you?
Your presence still lingers around me,
Your fragrance I breathe still…and it pertains the fire not to die,
Forgive me for what I did,
A deed, I never should you forgive…
(One day in fear, she goes to call Jason for dinner. There she hears him talk with some men. She stealthily reaches the doors, slides it a little bit and hears)…
Jason: Oh men! What a fool this girl is!
I pretend love, and she loves me for real,
How she fails to know that everything I did,
I did to seek revenge upon Charles for Jack’s death!
Man1: Yes Jason, a pretty beautiful fool is she!
And would I not fail to spend all my money,
To lie on bed with her…
Hear her moan my name in agony!
Man2 (inquisitively): Jason, but how did you made her fall in love with you?
Jason: Ah! Is it that hard to fool women? Nay.
Rosy words is all they ere…shower them with gifts, all are your! (pointing to Man2)
(Hearing it, Man2 praises Jason and all laugh a devil’s laughter while Natasha behind the door cries. She then opens the door in alarm. Seeing it,)
Jason: Oh love! Sorry am I,
For what I did,
Forgive me for beating you
I was …(Natasha interrupts)
Natasha: forgive a devil, who pretends a God!
How can I?
I hear just fine, my eyes now fail not to lie,
Blind you did turn me upon the love you played,
Yet no more of it,
I go to Charles and it ends all…
(All are alarmed. She tries to walk away but Jason catches her and slaps her while she spits on his face. Three continuous slaps and she cries but stays mum.)
Jason (to men): What are you all looking at?
Go! (both men go. Now laughing at Natasha,)
Oh foolish weren’t you!
And failed did you to understand,
“I trod upon your way, to cross and crush!”
A word of a poet, how fancy you say!
You got no brain,
You beget pain!
(Screaming) AND YES I SAY,
(All of a sudden his voice is calm while he speaks at insane modesty)
Oh Beloved! I love you so much,
Nay leave me…for without you, I fail to live,
Leave me never, for I would die…
(He laughs out aloud while Natasha fears him. She turns pale. He now leaves her locked in the room.)
(All to herself)
Natasha: Forgive me Charles,
A mistake I did leaving you…
And now I know how it feels to you,
How I hurt you; Lord! Oh Lord! Bless him!
(Loud) Could I now go to him?
Would he forgive?
Care would I not if he fails to let off for a sin I did,
Even god would not agree!
And yet I long…I ere to seek,
Seek for forgiveness, bend on his knees,
His presence around me, never will desert but to me…
Thus I ere to his arms,
I long for you, but for forgiveness…
(Natasha has escaped from Jason’s confinement. Despite leaving the trap, she didn’t leave the predator. Jason is running behind her. She finally reaches to Charles’s doors. Knocking at the door with might and fear,)
Natasha (in tears and fears): Open the door Charles! (looking behind the trace of Jason)
OPEN THE DOOR!!! (looking behind the trace of Jason)
OPEN THE DOOR!!! (looking behind the trace of Jason)
OPEN THE DOOR!!! (looking behind the trace of Jason)
OPEN THE DOOR!!! (looking behind the trace of Jason)
(After several knocks Charles opens the door and is surprised to see Natasha. Right then his joy changes color seeing Jason. Natasha turns behind and sees Jason as well. Hiding behind Charles, breathing fast in tears)
Natasha (now behind Charles): Charles, forgive me for my sin,
Upon your love, I opt for him,
Mistake I did,
I seek no forgiveness for my deed,
But make him suffer, the way he made me suffer,
And do what you ere, to do but to me…
(Charles’s face hardens upon hearing her words. He clenches his fists. Seeing it, Jason falters. Then he laughs aloud)
Jason: And finally I meet you,
A murderer who is a war hero,
What did you get? I ask to you,
Killing my brother, a fine man and a soldier,
(Jason referring to Natasha) and look the pretty little bird,
Ran from my cage,
Just let me catch it… (he crosses Charles and then pulls her by her hair (ahh-Natasha) and when trying to take her away, he punches Jason, whose blood is now dripping from the nose. Jason retraces a few steps)
Charles: You ask to me, why I killed but Jack?
Never should he be forgiven,
For a man betraying his mother,
Is a culprit, and I fail not to forgive the deed.
And had I not warned him before!
and had he not said, I will not betray, but he did!
Jason: But could he not be forgiven?
Does a man not make a mistake?
And does one not, learn from them?
Charles: And yes! A man dost commit a mistake,
But not a deed to betray a mother,
Like a serpent drinking milk and yet injecting venom,
I should not drink, but throw it away!
The venomous milk could get hold to anyone!
Jason: And so you will suffer,
The serpent’s venom,
The death of your beloved,
Oh it is for sure,
And then will you feel,
How hard (trembling voice) how hard it is,
To see someone close die…
(With this he charges against Charles. Both fight with bare hands. Being beaten hard, he retreats, pulls a knife from his back and heads for another charge. This time, he overpowers Charles. Charles falls down while Jason, with his dagger is trying to poke Charles’s eyes. Seeing it, Natasha trembles and then rushes to get a gun for Charles’s rescue.)
Jason: Let me poke your beautiful eyes Charles!
How nice you are to look,
When you turn blind…
Blind and deserted…
Forever till death…suffer more…
(Natasha is now coming from the house with a gun in her hand. Jason sees it, and he digs the dagger into the arms of Charles’s shoulder and marches to Natasha…right then she pulls the trigger and Jason falls on his knees.)
Natasha: And you will pay,
For every pain you caused,
Charles’s won’t die, neither will I,
But a demon, a villain is to die,
For the good never ends no matter how the bad pretends,
(She then fires four continuous bullets and Jason lands with a big thump, his eyes staring to the horizon.)
Natasha runs to Charles and lifts him up…
Charles, forgive me for what I did,
A mistake I never should have done,
I now reckon, what it is to love and loose,
I do not ask for your love that I fail to deserve,
But for forgiveness, and that is all I ask,
(in tears) forgive me my love,
Charles (smiling): And what do I see,
My princess crying!
Oh how hard it is…
Ask me not for forgiveness,
I am but yours, to life and death,
Thou art my shadow,
And could I be angry to myself?
And look the winter!
Time did change, (Natasha in tears)
And flowers did fade,
The spring turned autumn,
But did love change?
And heaven below you, stands the proof,
I did wait, I will not pretend,
I cut was too deep,
And yet, now you come,
Look the scar to remain just fades by your love,
For did I not say,
True love ‘spite its uni-ness,
Never dost betray…
(Natasha is in tears. He turns her around, kisses her tears, then her forehead)
I love you, and still love you,
Love does wait, the patience does pay,
Life’s a shade, look…(showing the tree and its shadow) and the sun,
The paths that cross will always cross…
“Reckon the sounds,

A wonderful Classic Love Story!
ReplyDeleteVery Good Writing.Love the Dialogues and the Poetic Expression.
I would also encourage Pratik to write more Plays on the Socio-Cultural issue of Nepal.
Looking forward to read more.
Have a happy writing!