For some time, mice have been running all around my house, and we all were bothered. Those little four-legged animals have caused a lot of tantrum, eating out cloths, taking food and piling it behind closets. Until now, I had no remorse for these creatures because they were damaging goods.
Life rejoices itself in little joys that comes to our doors and breaks down into tears and sorrow when the smallest of things hurt us. All of these come from the inner core of our hearts which continually fills us with emotions. These emotions are sometimes too painful to acknowledge because it stirs our rationale, and makes us realize of some ill that we could be probable of doing; killing, only to ease our discomfort!
Similar feelings came to my mind and heart and made me realize what I was about to do: take the life of mice for eating cloths that could be bought again! Taking away of a life to make our cloths safe! My feelings went even gross when I saw few more small protruding heads from the closet these little devils had made their home. I soon realized it was the babies, a new life that could have been immediately squashed had it not been the heavy lockers that required astounding force to pull it away.
What shocked me more was my mother's primary response of killing all of the mice. When I retorted, it however was replaced by something less a threat, which still was able to take those lives away; putting them in a sack and throwing them out of the window!
This made me realize how cruel and inhumane we have become. We are keen on taking the other's life the moment it comes to trouble us, or make our life difficult. (As I write, a big mouse, probably the kid's father crosses, and seeing it, my mother goes to bring mouse killing medicine, to which I retort with no avail).
I ask if it is only humans that have rights to live on this planet, ruin its resources as we reign when we know we are immigrants...the aboriginals were animals that preceded us scores and scores of years ago. I ask: why do we believe that it is only us that have feelings, a bond...relationship, kinship and offspring while other animals don't? Is it only us that cry when our loved ones leave us, care when they are injured, while our fellow beings don't? It unlikely is the case because our friends with whom we share the planet, and are supposed to share without a doubt or qualm deserves equal rights: the right to live, produce offspring and help continue the ecosystem. After all, we are the culprits who occupied the earth that once was lush green.
(I hope the father mouse or the mother mouse who went to search food for their children don't feel hungry to eat the poisoned food...and I hope the young ones don't die hungry...waiting for their parents to come with food for them...and they wait......)
Pratik Rimal
"The charm of mortal life, since her arrival has been joy, thoughts and longing of togetherness...a wish to be always behind her and protect her...maybe life after all gives us a second chance. And with your arrival, I now indeed believe that it sincerely does for our heavenly father cannot be heartless, as he instilled us with hearts of love, trust, faith, compassion and joy! .....
......Time tickles in joy and passes with a melancholic song. The hollow cry of penetrable sounds from the wild beasts underneath the moonlight alerts me of your hopeful
presence...and I am waiting..."
(extracted from: Stars Fall Down)
About Me

- Pratik Rimal
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- Ever since I first started to write my first poem and article, I've loved to write. I continue to learn to write. In doing so, I let my feelings, thoughts, and emotions run wild and let people know what I intend to say, what I want to say. For me, writing is a creative expression to express what we never can say by speaking... Your readings and feedback are always important to me. Therefore, I wish that you'd write to me. My email address: Cell: +977-98511-42610
Monday, November 28, 2011
What is Freedom?
All the things that I’m talking about is solely personal. Everyone has the right to disagree and hold their opinions. The following text is based on my experience of being prisoned for five hours on March 19, 2011, on the day of Holi.
Freedom, I now believe is not bowing down our heads just because people in power ask us to.
Freedom, I now believe is not to be squashed with 60 people in a cold damp room filled with fatigue.
Freedom, I believe is not to loo in a smelly toilet that doesn't have neither lock nor light with five other people.
Freedom, I believe isn’t corruption—when people are compelled to pay 30 rupees for a packet of noodle that otherwise costs fifteen.
Freedom, I believe isn’t about curtailing our right to speak and turning it into right to remain silent.
Freedom isn’t about letting others swear and humiliate others—regardless of committing a mistake.
Freedom isn’t about abusing power.
Freedom isn’t about dreaming for two stragiht nights of staying behind bars and standing with 60 other people on a cold cement floor filled with cold water only to wake up upright and find ourselves sleeping in our own bed—at our own home.
Freedom isn’t about fearing to buy a packet of buscuit to ease hunger—only becuase I didn’t have money to buy a bottle of water to quench my thirst.
Freedom is about seeing the bright sky, the burning sun, feeling the cool breeze and walking without fear—to our homes.
And finally, freedom, I believe is walking out of the brision and breathing fresh air...not just walking, but walking tall and smilling because we all are free. Freedom re realizing these very things and cherishing life, regardless of many ups and downs, and saying, with a smile—LIFE STILL IS BEAUTIFUL.
All the things that I’m talking about is solely personal. Everyone has the right to disagree and hold their opinions. The following text is based on my experience of being prisoned for five hours on March 19, 2011, on the day of Holi.
Freedom, I now believe is not bowing down our heads just because people in power ask us to.
Freedom, I now believe is not to be squashed with 60 people in a cold damp room filled with fatigue.
Freedom, I believe is not to loo in a smelly toilet that doesn't have neither lock nor light with five other people.
Freedom, I believe isn’t corruption—when people are compelled to pay 30 rupees for a packet of noodle that otherwise costs fifteen.
Freedom, I believe isn’t about curtailing our right to speak and turning it into right to remain silent.
Freedom isn’t about letting others swear and humiliate others—regardless of committing a mistake.
Freedom isn’t about abusing power.
Freedom isn’t about dreaming for two stragiht nights of staying behind bars and standing with 60 other people on a cold cement floor filled with cold water only to wake up upright and find ourselves sleeping in our own bed—at our own home.
Freedom isn’t about fearing to buy a packet of buscuit to ease hunger—only becuase I didn’t have money to buy a bottle of water to quench my thirst.
Freedom is about seeing the bright sky, the burning sun, feeling the cool breeze and walking without fear—to our homes.
And finally, freedom, I believe is walking out of the brision and breathing fresh air...not just walking, but walking tall and smilling because we all are free. Freedom re realizing these very things and cherishing life, regardless of many ups and downs, and saying, with a smile—LIFE STILL IS BEAUTIFUL.
Raising up...again!
I do not know where these words, that were long silenced by unseen forces will lead me to. Like the water that flows from high streams, random thoughts of which I do not hold grip off; keeps flowing. But all of it flows by remembering your presence my Beloved. It is this intensity...this throbbing of my heart that beats in delight and yet remains confused. I no longer hear the chaotic world. What I only hear is the blood running from my body and feel it flow as this heart beats. And as it flows in every part of me, it recalls your name, and my thoughts run over you.
No I’m not drunk, but maybe the moving pen along these lines has intoxicated me. I feel the pen walking down every tries to breathe after long time...too long a time that I can recall its silence.
My pen keeps flowing, as if in flashbacks a man in coma twitches his eyes, and hands fumble to show signs of life...maybe his dear ones knew he’d survive, breathe again, but the thought, to which, he himself had submitted to...
Those lanes, those lights, those people around you...that force to which we frequently fight to...Life brings its surprises as it runs its own course...your tender eyes that itself radiates light, and your faint smile injects me to tranquility.
My hands move. I try to raise my hands to show that vital sign of show that I’ve yet not given show that it still isn’t time to give reclaim what was lost because time had waited...waited for me when all of you thought it finally was time to move on...when everyone had thought that it now was only memories; faint or strong of mine to which one could hold on to.
I’m still unaware of the surrounding because I fail to open my eyes...but I can feel my pupils move; right and left; as when they move when one sees a terrible...frightful dream. Part of me now conscious, I question to those watching me, as I try to find life. Why did you all give up on me, when you knew I would live? Why did you turn away your heads when you knew that I would be back? Why did you bow down your heads and submitted to time when I was fighting?
I exasperate...hear faint sounds it of joy? or is it of amusement or of surprise because everyone hadn’t expected this sudden change of fate...this sudden turn...a twist when one had never expected!
I open my eyes...the vision is dim...blurry but I can sense heads protruding and disappearing, and protruding again. I can smell the breath of fresh air and foul smell of my fatigued body. I’ll take a shower...I see people smiling, of whom I still have faint memories of...I pass a faint smile, but not easily. I succeed with all my strength...I move my head sideways and see everyone’s still the same. I feel amused...
I gather my strength, close my eyes, clench my fists, move my legs and try to raise myself up...I try...I hold on to my new life harder...I’m raising myself...I raise myself up...
I have a clear vision...I smile...people pat on my back...I smile, and smile in amusement for myself and hear myself speak...hear my voice after a long time... “I...I...I’m back!”
No I’m not drunk, but maybe the moving pen along these lines has intoxicated me. I feel the pen walking down every tries to breathe after long time...too long a time that I can recall its silence.
My pen keeps flowing, as if in flashbacks a man in coma twitches his eyes, and hands fumble to show signs of life...maybe his dear ones knew he’d survive, breathe again, but the thought, to which, he himself had submitted to...
Those lanes, those lights, those people around you...that force to which we frequently fight to...Life brings its surprises as it runs its own course...your tender eyes that itself radiates light, and your faint smile injects me to tranquility.
My hands move. I try to raise my hands to show that vital sign of show that I’ve yet not given show that it still isn’t time to give reclaim what was lost because time had waited...waited for me when all of you thought it finally was time to move on...when everyone had thought that it now was only memories; faint or strong of mine to which one could hold on to.
I’m still unaware of the surrounding because I fail to open my eyes...but I can feel my pupils move; right and left; as when they move when one sees a terrible...frightful dream. Part of me now conscious, I question to those watching me, as I try to find life. Why did you all give up on me, when you knew I would live? Why did you turn away your heads when you knew that I would be back? Why did you bow down your heads and submitted to time when I was fighting?
I exasperate...hear faint sounds it of joy? or is it of amusement or of surprise because everyone hadn’t expected this sudden change of fate...this sudden turn...a twist when one had never expected!
I open my eyes...the vision is dim...blurry but I can sense heads protruding and disappearing, and protruding again. I can smell the breath of fresh air and foul smell of my fatigued body. I’ll take a shower...I see people smiling, of whom I still have faint memories of...I pass a faint smile, but not easily. I succeed with all my strength...I move my head sideways and see everyone’s still the same. I feel amused...
I gather my strength, close my eyes, clench my fists, move my legs and try to raise myself up...I try...I hold on to my new life harder...I’m raising myself...I raise myself up...
I have a clear vision...I smile...people pat on my back...I smile, and smile in amusement for myself and hear myself speak...hear my voice after a long time... “I...I...I’m back!”
Sombre thoughts on government’s decision to ban porn
Under the initiation of Home Ministry and NTA, ISPAN had decided to ban porn sites in Nepal. By now, ISPAN has banned 60 porn sites. The decision came into after keeping in mind the time youths spent on internet watching pornographic contents. Kailash Prasad Neuapne, legal advisor at NTA said the ban would divert youth’s attention to creative activities in the internet. ISPAN too has happily accepted the decision as a corporative social responsibility.
Some may call the action a way to curb individual freedom, while the other might well appreciate and say, “you did it right.” Nonetheless, the ban is a topic of debate and asks us to draw a distinction between its use and misuse. Although the ban seems to do good for the nation as a whole, that for individual is a matter of subjectivity.
If on one hand people could watch the contents to learn about sexual behaviors and for research, it, on the other hand could be used to “act as the way people do on videos.”
For sometime, Nepal has been experiencing increasing of rape cases. The victims are as young as sixth graders to young and adults. These incidents could be a result of watching pornography—where sexual behaviors are shown to the extreme—luring audience to “try it out.” Key information that shouldn’t go amiss in all of these incidents is that the victim usually is killed. From ordinary eyes, it seems clear that the abuser had some fits—an outline that surpasses the truth. However, upon keener look, one could likely find psychological reasons as actual motives that tempted the abusers towards their victims. These temptations could be the victim’s appearance—how does she look, her body structure, dress, or even some sexual frustration acted out.
The victim’s appearance is a matter of concern for the fact that those shown on pornography are “beautiful, bold, have perfect curves and wear short dresses”—something that easily lures a guy. Therefore, in each of the cases, it’s important to know how the victim looked and what she wore.
Since topic of sex is not digested in our society, it’s unlikely to be brought out. No matter how hard one tries to pour two liters of water in a liter’s bottle, after the bottle’s full, the remaining overflows—unless it is poured into another. The same seems with sexual frustration—a “condition in which a person is in a state of agitation, stress or anxiety due to prolonged sexual inactivity and/or sexual dissatisfaction that leads him or her to want more sex or better sex, or a state in which he or she is perpetually sexually aroused.”
Upon retrospection, it seems that the liberty to use and abuse certain content lies in an individual. One can take the horse to the river but you can’t make it drink—unless it’s thirst. The proverb magnificently supports both the sides. It in the end relies on the horse to decide—whether its thirst or not.
Some may call the action a way to curb individual freedom, while the other might well appreciate and say, “you did it right.” Nonetheless, the ban is a topic of debate and asks us to draw a distinction between its use and misuse. Although the ban seems to do good for the nation as a whole, that for individual is a matter of subjectivity.
If on one hand people could watch the contents to learn about sexual behaviors and for research, it, on the other hand could be used to “act as the way people do on videos.”
For sometime, Nepal has been experiencing increasing of rape cases. The victims are as young as sixth graders to young and adults. These incidents could be a result of watching pornography—where sexual behaviors are shown to the extreme—luring audience to “try it out.” Key information that shouldn’t go amiss in all of these incidents is that the victim usually is killed. From ordinary eyes, it seems clear that the abuser had some fits—an outline that surpasses the truth. However, upon keener look, one could likely find psychological reasons as actual motives that tempted the abusers towards their victims. These temptations could be the victim’s appearance—how does she look, her body structure, dress, or even some sexual frustration acted out.
The victim’s appearance is a matter of concern for the fact that those shown on pornography are “beautiful, bold, have perfect curves and wear short dresses”—something that easily lures a guy. Therefore, in each of the cases, it’s important to know how the victim looked and what she wore.
Since topic of sex is not digested in our society, it’s unlikely to be brought out. No matter how hard one tries to pour two liters of water in a liter’s bottle, after the bottle’s full, the remaining overflows—unless it is poured into another. The same seems with sexual frustration—a “condition in which a person is in a state of agitation, stress or anxiety due to prolonged sexual inactivity and/or sexual dissatisfaction that leads him or her to want more sex or better sex, or a state in which he or she is perpetually sexually aroused.”
Upon retrospection, it seems that the liberty to use and abuse certain content lies in an individual. One can take the horse to the river but you can’t make it drink—unless it’s thirst. The proverb magnificently supports both the sides. It in the end relies on the horse to decide—whether its thirst or not.
Educational Change; Nepal’s need
The Nepali education system, I believe should opt for a radical change if it were to provide quality education.
Modern education, to me, is more than three hour exams that is, in the end, useless. Useless because those three hours fail to know our understanding of the topic. Why? The reason is simple, education, now no longer should be measured in the number a student scores on their three hour test. That’s because the three hour test can never know what we’ve learnt throughout the year. Rather, it judges what and how much we know about the asked question. Education is what you learn and use for your survival, the definition in its true sense.
What should be done then?
Nepali curriculum developers should, first and foremost keep pace with the time. Books that we study in our schools were long studied by our teachers. Those books are probably insignificant to us. The same applies to college, undergraduate and graduate level.
In the English Literature course, students are still taught Shakespeare and Milton. The last contemporary novelist we study is George Orwell. What benefit does it give to the students? Probably none for the fact that none of their circumstances and society seem similar to that of now.
After course revision, curriculum developers should focus on enhancing the student’s critical and creative thinking. Questions should no longer be “What did Ram eat in lunch”. It rather should be “Why did Ram eat a certain type or lunch rather than ordinary one?” Focusing on creative, critical and analytical thinking ability helps students explore and answer a certain question. It also increases their logics. Furthermore, its high time that teachers should ask students to use their untouched faculty of mind; the critical, creative and analytical.
With it, developers, to me, should also focus on peer learning. Peer learning is much effective than lecture method. Peers can share their ideas casually making the most out of it. However, it is a tragedy that students, in the name of peer learning, most of the time use it as a means to gossip!
Enabling students to learn ways to cope with their surroundings and their future is another thing our curriculum developers could look at. To do this, the current system should turn topsy-turvy; the present theoretical part should be reduced from 70 to 30, and that of practical should be increased from 30 to 70. This reversal could benefit students because they will learn to implement the learnt things. And because they are likely to come across obstacles during the implementation, they will learn something on their own; they’ll develop their problem solving skills! Quite helpful huh?
Here, I’d like to mention a cliché, a chariot doesn’t move with one wheel. It also needs the other. If curriculum developers are one wheel, teachers and students, are the other. Teachers should be taught about effective teaching methods and develop the art of rhetoric. They should be able to use words in the most astounding manner so as to captivate their student’s attention. In the lack of teaching style, students are well likely to be bored and stay dull. Likewise, students should also welcome the teacher’s move. Teachers could feel humiliated if students do not appreciate their efforts. These changes should not seek a journey’s time. Rather it should be spontaneous, and radical, right from today.
I believe that these changes should be brought into consideration. It could propel a newer generation of students who are not just judged on the marks they score, but rather from their critical, analytical and creative faculty of their minds which accustoms itself to different terrains in the least of time. However, until then, it’s the same old story where the teacher asks, “What did Ram eat in his lunch,” to which the students promptly reply, “Ram ate bread and apple juice in his lunch”!
Modern education, to me, is more than three hour exams that is, in the end, useless. Useless because those three hours fail to know our understanding of the topic. Why? The reason is simple, education, now no longer should be measured in the number a student scores on their three hour test. That’s because the three hour test can never know what we’ve learnt throughout the year. Rather, it judges what and how much we know about the asked question. Education is what you learn and use for your survival, the definition in its true sense.
What should be done then?
Nepali curriculum developers should, first and foremost keep pace with the time. Books that we study in our schools were long studied by our teachers. Those books are probably insignificant to us. The same applies to college, undergraduate and graduate level.
In the English Literature course, students are still taught Shakespeare and Milton. The last contemporary novelist we study is George Orwell. What benefit does it give to the students? Probably none for the fact that none of their circumstances and society seem similar to that of now.
After course revision, curriculum developers should focus on enhancing the student’s critical and creative thinking. Questions should no longer be “What did Ram eat in lunch”. It rather should be “Why did Ram eat a certain type or lunch rather than ordinary one?” Focusing on creative, critical and analytical thinking ability helps students explore and answer a certain question. It also increases their logics. Furthermore, its high time that teachers should ask students to use their untouched faculty of mind; the critical, creative and analytical.
With it, developers, to me, should also focus on peer learning. Peer learning is much effective than lecture method. Peers can share their ideas casually making the most out of it. However, it is a tragedy that students, in the name of peer learning, most of the time use it as a means to gossip!
Enabling students to learn ways to cope with their surroundings and their future is another thing our curriculum developers could look at. To do this, the current system should turn topsy-turvy; the present theoretical part should be reduced from 70 to 30, and that of practical should be increased from 30 to 70. This reversal could benefit students because they will learn to implement the learnt things. And because they are likely to come across obstacles during the implementation, they will learn something on their own; they’ll develop their problem solving skills! Quite helpful huh?
Here, I’d like to mention a cliché, a chariot doesn’t move with one wheel. It also needs the other. If curriculum developers are one wheel, teachers and students, are the other. Teachers should be taught about effective teaching methods and develop the art of rhetoric. They should be able to use words in the most astounding manner so as to captivate their student’s attention. In the lack of teaching style, students are well likely to be bored and stay dull. Likewise, students should also welcome the teacher’s move. Teachers could feel humiliated if students do not appreciate their efforts. These changes should not seek a journey’s time. Rather it should be spontaneous, and radical, right from today.
I believe that these changes should be brought into consideration. It could propel a newer generation of students who are not just judged on the marks they score, but rather from their critical, analytical and creative faculty of their minds which accustoms itself to different terrains in the least of time. However, until then, it’s the same old story where the teacher asks, “What did Ram eat in his lunch,” to which the students promptly reply, “Ram ate bread and apple juice in his lunch”!
An upsurge to write…………
Since you came my Love, days no longer are solitary. Your moments…our moments, memories of bliss that I now reckon is with me in every step of my life…it walks with me wherever I go…
God has his plan, and to this thought; I now best realize when I’m with you…and when I’m not…when I miss you and when I wish that you be with me... Indeed, he had his plan…he had a plan for our togetherness. That is why love came as a subtle surprise to me…as subtly as the gentle wind we seldom do feel.
And when the moment finally came…it was captivating. The gentle wind didn’t just howl but sang a song of our togetherness, and our love. The nature praised in joy and we celebrated it in our togetherness.
When you become my strength, you become my weakness too. Since the day you came, the very thought haunts me every single day and I grow restless…hysteric that how am I to succeed when you make me powerless? I answer to myself with your thought on mind… Indeed, you are my weakness because I fail to imagine my life without you. However, more than that, you’re my strength because you’re there for me in every step of my life….there for me despite the circumstances I go through…there when I need you…
My love, when we depart for the day, the first thing I do is miss you…long for you. Only late do I realize that I should have stopped time but didn’t because when you’re with me, I forget everything. Days turn to hours and hours to minutes…and when finally the minute to depart comes, it’s a second…
This is when I realize for how long you were with me…a second ago you were with me…a minute ago…an hour ago, once again with me…and finally 23 hours 59 seconds ago, we were with each other!
Call me forgetful but so be it because I forget everything apart from you when I cuddle in your arms…when I rest my head on your lap and forget all the grievances. Time flies like a needle…it flicks in a second to change its course when we depart…
Despite my wish to stop time, I subtly surrender to the nature’s course because god once again has his plans. And there cannot be another miraculous morning until the sun sets…there cannot be a dawn unless the dusk falls…
My Love, the flames of a long silenced fire has once again ignited…I’ve started to feel its warmth…and this time to eternity…
An upsurge to write further and say how much you mean to me…how much I love you…
I love you and will always do. When I close my eyes, I see you, and when I need you, I let my heart wander into your memories and feel your presence…the presence that I’ve always cherished. I wonder what I would have become if you weren’t there…but you’ve been with my side. That is why you’re precious to me. That is why not everyone has you. That is why I have you. I love you and have no words to say how much you mean to me. I love you. I love you until the last breath I breathe…until the last second I live…and until the immortal time ends…I love you.
God has his plan, and to this thought; I now best realize when I’m with you…and when I’m not…when I miss you and when I wish that you be with me... Indeed, he had his plan…he had a plan for our togetherness. That is why love came as a subtle surprise to me…as subtly as the gentle wind we seldom do feel.
And when the moment finally came…it was captivating. The gentle wind didn’t just howl but sang a song of our togetherness, and our love. The nature praised in joy and we celebrated it in our togetherness.
When you become my strength, you become my weakness too. Since the day you came, the very thought haunts me every single day and I grow restless…hysteric that how am I to succeed when you make me powerless? I answer to myself with your thought on mind… Indeed, you are my weakness because I fail to imagine my life without you. However, more than that, you’re my strength because you’re there for me in every step of my life….there for me despite the circumstances I go through…there when I need you…
My love, when we depart for the day, the first thing I do is miss you…long for you. Only late do I realize that I should have stopped time but didn’t because when you’re with me, I forget everything. Days turn to hours and hours to minutes…and when finally the minute to depart comes, it’s a second…
This is when I realize for how long you were with me…a second ago you were with me…a minute ago…an hour ago, once again with me…and finally 23 hours 59 seconds ago, we were with each other!
Call me forgetful but so be it because I forget everything apart from you when I cuddle in your arms…when I rest my head on your lap and forget all the grievances. Time flies like a needle…it flicks in a second to change its course when we depart…
Despite my wish to stop time, I subtly surrender to the nature’s course because god once again has his plans. And there cannot be another miraculous morning until the sun sets…there cannot be a dawn unless the dusk falls…
My Love, the flames of a long silenced fire has once again ignited…I’ve started to feel its warmth…and this time to eternity…
An upsurge to write further and say how much you mean to me…how much I love you…
I love you and will always do. When I close my eyes, I see you, and when I need you, I let my heart wander into your memories and feel your presence…the presence that I’ve always cherished. I wonder what I would have become if you weren’t there…but you’ve been with my side. That is why you’re precious to me. That is why not everyone has you. That is why I have you. I love you and have no words to say how much you mean to me. I love you. I love you until the last breath I breathe…until the last second I live…and until the immortal time ends…I love you.
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